How to Open a German Bank Account: A Complete Guide (2024) (2024)

Moving to a new country brings a myriad of challenges and opportunities. For expats, international students, and new residents in Germany, one of the first and most crucial steps to settling in is opening a local bank account.

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Having a German bank account often comes with various conveniences that are tailored to the local way of life. From cashless payments at local stores to easy access to ATMs across the country, it ensures that you can handle your finances efficiently and without unnecessary complications. This article will guide you on opening a German bank account.


  • A local bank account is crucial for financial transactions and integration in Germany.
  • Choose between Girokonto for daily use and Sparkonto for savings.
  • Consider English support, fees, branch accessibility, and online banking.
  • Prepare valid ID, proof of residence, visa, and registration certificate.
  • Research banks, gather documents, and follow the bank’s application process.
  • Register for online banking for easy account access and management.
  • Explore debit/credit cards, overdraft facilities, and international transfer options.
  • Regularly monitor transactions and update personal information as needed.

Understanding the Types of Bank Accounts in Germany

Choosing the Right Account for Your Needs

When you set out to open a bank account in Germany, you’ll encounter mainly two types of accounts: the Girokonto (Current Account) and the Sparkonto (Savings Account). Each serves different purposes and understanding their features and uses is crucial in selecting the one that best suits your needs as a new resident in Germany.

Account TypePurposeFeaturesSuitability
Girokonto (Current Account)Daily financial activities like receiving salary and paying billsComes with a debit card, online access, widely acceptedIdeal for expats and students for everyday transactions
Sparkonto (Savings Account)Saving money over a longer periodTypically offers interest, limited withdrawal options to encourage savingSuitable for those looking to save with financial discipline

Girokonto (Current Account)

The Girokonto is the most common type of bank account in Germany. It’s designed for your daily financial activities. This includes receiving your salary, paying bills, withdrawing cash, and making card payments.

Girokontos come with a debit card (EC-Karte) which is widely accepted across Germany and in many places in Europe. You can also access your account online or through mobile banking apps, making it convenient to manage your finances on the go.

If you’re an expat, an international student, or a new resident in Germany needing an account for everyday transactions, the Girokonto is the ideal choice.

Sparkonto (Savings Account)

The Sparkonto is designed for saving money over a longer period. These accounts typically offer interest on your savings, although the rates might be lower compared to other countries.

Savings accounts in Germany are more about safekeeping your money rather than high returns. They usually have restrictions on how often you can withdraw funds to encourage saving.

If you’re looking to save a portion of your income or have a reserve of funds, opening a Sparkonto in addition to a Girokonto could be beneficial.

Making the Right Choice

For most new residents, including expats and international students, a Girokonto will be the primary requirement. It offers the flexibility and accessibility needed for day-to-day financial activities in Germany. A Sparkonto can be considered as an additional option for those who are looking to save money with some degree of financial discipline.

Choosing the Right Bank

How to Open a German Bank Account: A Complete Guide (2024) (1)

Factors to Consider for a Smooth Banking Experience

Selecting a bank in Germany is a crucial decision that goes beyond just opening an account. It’s about finding a financial partner that aligns with your lifestyle, needs, and preferences as an expat or international student. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a bank in Germany:

English Language Support

Importance for Non-German Speakers: Many banks in Germany now offer services in English, recognizing the growing international community. Opting for a bank with English language support, both in-person and online, can significantly ease your banking experience.

Online Banking and Mobile Apps: Check if the bank’s website and mobile app are available in English. This is crucial for managing your account and understanding financial details without language barriers.

Fees and Charges

Account Maintenance Fees: Some banks charge monthly fees for account maintenance, while others offer free accounts. Compare the fees across different banks.

Transaction Costs: Look into charges for ATM withdrawals, especially from ATMs of other banks, and for international transactions, which might be relevant for remittances back home or when traveling.

Accessibility and Convenience

Branch Network: Consider the bank’s presence in your area. A bank with a nearby branch can be convenient for in-person services.

ATM Availability: Check the density of the bank’s ATMs in your city and across Germany. Easy access to ATMs without additional fees is a significant advantage.

Online Banking Facilities

Digital Services: Evaluate the bank’s digital services, including online banking and mobile banking apps. The ease of digital transactions, setting up automatic payments, and monitoring account activity is vital for hassle-free banking.

Security Features: Ensure that the bank offers robust security features for online banking, such as two-factor authentication and fraud monitoring systems.

Reputation and Customer Service

Customer Reviews and Satisfaction: Look for customer reviews and feedback about the bank’s services, especially from fellow expats or international students.

Customer Support: Efficient customer service, especially in handling queries and resolving issues, is crucial. Check if the bank offers customer support in English and its availability (e.g., 24/7 support).

Popular Banks Catering to International Residents

While there are numerous banks in Germany, some are particularly popular among expats and international students due to their English-speaking services and expat-friendly features. These include both traditional banks with extensive branch networks and online-only banks that offer digital-first services. We will explore specific banks and their offerings in detail in subsequent sections.

Documentation Required for Opening a Bank Account

Preparing the Necessary Documents

Opening a bank account in Germany involves gathering a set of essential documents. This process is straightforward but requires attention to detail to ensure you have everything needed for a smooth account opening experience. Here’s a list of the typical documents required by most German banks:

Valid Identification

Passport or National ID Card: A valid passport or national ID card is the primary form of identification required. Ensure it’s current and has all relevant information up to date.

Proof of Residence in Germany

Address Verification: Banks require proof of your address in Germany. This could be a rental agreement or a utility bill with your name and address. It’s important to have an official document that clearly shows your residency.

Visa and Residence Permit

For Non-EU Residents: If you’re a non-EU resident, you’ll need to present your valid student or work visa, along with your residence permit. These documents confirm your legal status in Germany.

Registration Certificate (Meldebescheinigung)

Registration with Local Authorities: In Germany, you are required to register your address at the local residents’ registration office (Bürgeramt or Einwohnermeldeamt). This registration process will provide you with a Meldebescheinigung, a document that proves your registered address in Germany.

Additional Documentation

For Students: If you are an international student, some banks might require a letter of enrollment from your university.

For Employees: Expats working in Germany might be asked to show their employment contract or a recent payslip as proof of steady income.

Obtaining These Documents

Visit Local Authorities: For the Meldebescheinigung, visit your local registration office soon after your arrival in Germany. Remember to bring your lease agreement and passport.

University and Employer Documents: Obtain your enrollment letter or employment documents directly from your university or employer.

Tips for Document Preparation

  • Translations: If your documents are not in German or English, you might need to get them officially translated.
  • Copies and Originals: Bring both originals and copies of your documents to the bank. Some banks may need to keep a copy for their records.
  • Up-to-Date Information: Ensure all documents reflect your current information. Discrepancies can cause delays in opening your account.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Open a German Bank Account

How to Open a German Bank Account: A Complete Guide (2024) (2)

Opening a bank account in Germany can be a straightforward process when approached methodically. This step-by-step guide is designed to help you navigate through each stage efficiently.

1. Research and Select a Bank

Compare Options: Based on the factors discussed earlier, such as English language support, fees, and online banking facilities, compare various banks.

Decide on the Type of Account: Choose between a Girokonto (current account) and a Sparkonto (savings account) based on your needs.

2. Gather All Necessary Documentation

Ensure you have all the required documents: valid ID, proof of residence, visa or residence permit, and Meldebescheinigung.

Prepare additional documents such as a letter of enrollment or employment contract, if applicable.

3. Schedule an Appointment with the Bank (If Required)

Some banks may require you to schedule an appointment to open an account, especially if you prefer to do it in person.

Check the bank’s website or contact their customer service to book an appointment.

4. Visit the Bank or Complete the Process Online

In-Person: If you choose to visit a branch, ensure you have all your documents and arrive on time for your appointment.

Online Application: Many banks now offer the convenience of opening an account online. Follow the bank’s online procedure, which may include uploading digital copies of your documents.

5. Fill Out the Application Form

Complete the application form with accurate information. Take your time to understand each section. If you’re doing it in person and need assistance, don’t hesitate to ask the bank staff for help.

6. Submit the Required Documents

Hand over or upload the necessary documents. Ensure that the copies are clear and legible.

7. Verification and Account Activation Process

The bank will verify your documents and information. This process may take a few days.

Once verified, the bank will activate your account. You will receive your account number and other relevant details.

8. Understanding the Terms and Conditions

Carefully read the terms and conditions of the account, including fees, withdrawal limits, and other important details.

Ask questions if anything is unclear, particularly regarding fees and account usage.

Setting Up Online Banking

If you haven’t already set up online banking during the account opening process, follow the bank’s procedure to register. This typically involves setting up a username and password and possibly installing a banking app on your phone.

Receiving Your Debit Card

Most banks will mail your debit card to your registered address within a few days to a week after opening your account.

Setting Up Online Banking

Online banking is an essential tool for managing your finances efficiently, especially in a new country like Germany. Setting up and using online banking can provide you with instant access to your account, anytime and anywhere. Here’s how you can get started:

Registering for Online Banking

Activation During Account Opening: Often, you can set up online banking during your account opening process. If you haven’t done it already, it’s a simple next step.

Visit Bank’s Website or Download the App: Most banks have a specific section for online banking registration on their website, or you can download their mobile app.

Provide Necessary Details: You’ll typically need to enter your account number and personal information. Follow the bank’s instructions carefully.

Creating Secure Login Credentials

Username and Password: Choose a strong, unique password and a username that you can remember easily. Avoid using simple or easily guessable passwords.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Many banks offer 2FA for additional security. This might involve receiving a code on your phone or email that you need to enter along with your password.

Navigating the Online Banking Interface

Familiarize Yourself with the Dashboard: Spend some time exploring the dashboard. Look for sections like account balance, transaction history, funds transfer, bill payment, and customer service.

Language Settings: If the interface is not in English, look for a language setting option to switch to English for easier navigation.

Safety Tips for Online Banking

Secure Connection: Always access your online banking through a secure internet connection. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for banking transactions.

Keep Your Login Details Private: Never share your username, password, or any other security details with anyone.

Regularly Update Passwords: Change your passwords regularly and use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols for enhanced security.

Managing Your Account Online

Check Balances and Transactions: Regularly monitor your account balances and review transaction histories to keep track of your spending.

Setting Up Automatic Payments: Utilize the feature to set up automatic payments for regular expenses like rent, utilities, or subscriptions.

Seeking Assistance

If you face any challenges or have questions about online banking, contact your bank’s customer support. They can guide you through any issues and provide helpful advice.

Additional Services and Considerations

How to Open a German Bank Account: A Complete Guide (2024) (3)

Once you have your basic bank account and online banking set up, there are additional services and considerations that can further streamline your financial management in Germany. Let’s explore some of these key services:

Debit and Credit Cards

Applying for Cards: Most Girokontos come with a debit card. You can also apply for a credit card, which might be useful for larger purchases or international travel.

Understanding the Terms: Be sure to understand the fees, interest rates, and credit limits associated with your cards. This is particularly important for credit cards to avoid unexpected charges.

Overdraft Facilities

What is an Overdraft?: An overdraft allows you to spend more money than you have in your account up to a certain limit, which can be helpful in emergencies.

Use with Caution: While an overdraft can be convenient, it’s important to use it judiciously as it typically incurs high interest rates and fees.

International Money Transfer

Sending Money Abroad: If you need to send money to your home country or elsewhere, explore the options your bank offers for international transfers.

Fees and Exchange Rates: Be aware of the fees and the exchange rate used for international transfers. Sometimes, using third-party services like TransferWise or PayPal might be more cost-effective.

Investment and Savings Options

Explore Savings Products: Your bank may offer various savings and investment products. These can range from fixed deposit accounts to investment funds.

Risk and Return: Understand the risk and potential returns associated with each product. It’s advisable to seek advice from a financial advisor if you’re considering investment options.

Insurance and Additional Products

Bank-Related Insurance: Some banks offer insurance products like travel insurance, car insurance, or even personal liability insurance.

Bundled Services: Look out for bundled services or products that might offer cost savings or added convenience.

Considerations for Long-Term Financial Planning

Building Credit History: Using a credit card responsibly and maintaining a good banking relationship can help in building a credit history in Germany, which is beneficial for future financial requirements like loans.

Reviewing and Updating Services: As your life circ*mstances change, review your banking needs. You might need to update services or switch products.

By taking advantage of these additional services and being mindful of the considerations involved, you can effectively tailor your banking experience to your needs. This proactive approach to managing your finances will not only help in your day-to-day life but also in your long-term financial well-being in Germany.

Managing Your Bank Account

Having a bank account in Germany is just the beginning. Effective management of your account is key to a smooth financial journey. Here’s how you can stay on top of your finances and handle your account responsibly:

Regular Monitoring of Transactions

  • Stay Informed: Regularly check your account balance and review transaction history. This helps in tracking your spending and spotting any unusual activity early.
  • Set Alerts: Many banks offer the option to set alerts for different types of transactions. This can be a useful tool to stay updated on account activities.

Updating Personal Information

  • Keep Your Details Current: If you move to a new address, change your phone number, or have any other significant changes, update your information with the bank promptly.
  • Online Banking Portal: Most banks allow you to update personal details through their online banking portal, making this process convenient and quick.

Contacting Customer Service for Assistance

  • Seek Help When Needed: If you have any questions or face issues with your account, don’t hesitate to contact the bank’s customer service.
  • Language Support: Make sure to use the English-speaking customer service if you’re more comfortable communicating in English.

Managing Debit and Credit Cards

  • Report Lost or Stolen Cards Immediately: If your debit or credit card is lost or stolen, report it to the bank right away to prevent fraudulent transactions.
  • Review Credit Card Statements: For credit card users, regularly reviewing your statements is important to ensure all charges are accurate and to avoid interest charges by paying on time.

Understanding Fees and Charges

  • Be Aware of Account Fees: Familiarize yourself with any fees associated with your account, such as maintenance fees, ATM withdrawal fees, or charges for international transactions.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Charges: Use your bank’s ATMs for withdrawals and stay within your overdraft limit to avoid extra charges.

Utilizing Online Tools for Budgeting

  • Budgeting and Financial Tools: Many banks offer online tools for budgeting and tracking your finances. Utilize these tools to maintain a healthy financial lifestyle.
  • Set Financial Goals: Use your online banking app to set and track financial goals, whether it’s saving for a vacation or setting aside money for emergencies.

Annual Review of Your Banking Needs

  • Reevaluate Your Banking Products: Once a year, review your banking products and services to ensure they still meet your needs, especially if your financial situation has changed.
  • Exploring New Options: Stay informed about new banking products or services that might be more beneficial or cost-effective.

Effective management of your bank account is crucial for financial stability and peace of mind. By staying informed, regularly monitoring your account, and making use of the tools and services offered by your bank, you can ensure that your financial life in Germany is as smooth and trouble-free as possible.

Concluding Your Guide to Banking in Germany

How to Open a German Bank Account: A Complete Guide (2024) (4)

As we come to the end of this comprehensive guide on opening and managing a bank account in Germany, let’s recap the key points and leave you with some final thoughts for your financial journey in this new chapter of your life.

Embracing Financial Responsibility

  • Stay Informed and Proactive: Always keep yourself updated about your bank account and financial status. Regular monitoring and responsible management are key to avoiding financial surprises.
  • Read Terms and Conditions Carefully: Understanding the fine print of your banking agreement is crucial. If you have doubts, seek clarification from your bank.

The Importance of a Good Banking Relationship

  • Build a Strong Relationship with Your Bank: A positive relationship with your bank can be beneficial in the long run, especially when you need financial advice or services like loans.
  • Feedback and Communication: Don’t hesitate to provide feedback to your bank or discuss your changing financial needs. Good communication can lead to better service and tailored financial products.

Seeking Help and Advice

  • Customer Service Is There for You: Utilize the bank’s customer service for any queries or issues you encounter. They are a valuable resource, especially when dealing with complex financial matters.
  • Financial Advisors: For more detailed financial planning or investment advice, consider consulting a financial advisor.
How to Open a German Bank Account: A Complete Guide (2024) (2024)


Can a US citizen open a German bank account? ›

Foreigners can open a bank account in Germany, both in a German and an international bank, as well as in an online bank. Most banks offer both free and paid (from 2.90 to 14.90 euros per month) accounts that differ in the range of available services.

Which bank is best in Germany for foreigners? ›

Expat-friendly banks
  • bunq – They speak 7 languages. They accept many passport types. ...
  • Commerzbank – They have basic online banking in English. ...
  • Deutsche Bank – Online banking, customer service and some documents are in English. ...
  • Monese – They speak 14 languages. ...
  • N26 – They speak 5 languages. ...
  • Wise – They speak 14 languages.
Apr 25, 2024

Can I open bank account without city registration in Germany? ›

Typically, you need to register in Germany and obtain a registration confirmation (Meldebescheinigung) before opening a bank account. However, there are some options available to open a bank account in Germany without registration. Direct banks or online banks, such as N26 or Wise, are recommended for this purpose.

How many days does it take to open a bank account in Germany? ›

Approximately 3 working days

Do I need a tax ID to open a bank account in Germany? ›

It is often necessary to book an appointment to open an account in advance. Some banks also require a residence permit from the Foreigners' Registration Office and/or also your German tax identification number (Steuer-ID).

Is it illegal for a US citizen to have a foreign bank account? ›

US citizens can open foreign bank accounts with no legal barriers. However, banks themselves decide who they're willing to offer services to — and not all will serve US customers.

Can I open a bank account online in Germany? ›

Some banks also offer online services for opening an account, but you need to provide notarized copies of your documents. Some German banks have specific policies and fees for non-resident accounts. Contact the bank you're interested in to confirm their requirements for non-resident account holders."

Is it OK to have 2 bank accounts in Germany? ›

But is it legal to have more than one? The answer is, yes. Not only this, but often it's a good idea – for example, holding money a specialized savings account can earn you higher interest than you would on your regular bank account. It's also completely legal to have accounts with different banks, if you want to.

What are the benefits of having a bank account in Germany? ›

Why should you choose this Bank Account?
  • Free German Bank Account. Send, receive, and manage your money in one place. ...
  • Seamless Account Opening. Open a German Bank Account together with your Blocked Account in just a few minutes. ...
  • Protection up to €100,000. ...
  • Tailored for Internationals. ...
  • Free Digital Mastercard.

Do you need a German address to open a bank account? ›

Non-resident account

You typically need to have a permanent address in Germany to open an account. Many online-only and mobile-only German banks also offer accounts to those living overseas.

What documents do I need to open a Deutsche bank account? ›

Documents for a German bank account

Whether you choose to open your account online or in branch, you will need to provide the following documents: Valid identification such as a passport or identity card (not a driving licence) Certificate of registration. Visa or residence permit (if applicable)

Who is eligible for N26? ›

are at least 18 years old. are a resident of a supported country. own a compatible smartphone. hold a supported ID.

What is the safest bank in Germany? ›

Which banks are safest in Germany? KfW Bank is the safest bank in Germany and Europe! The US finance magazine Global Finance voted it one of the top 50 safest banks in Europe.

Which bank is best in Germany to open account? ›

At a glance...
  • N26 Standard – Best bank account in Germany. ...
  • DKB Girokonto – Best for established expats. ...
  • ING Girokonto – Also great for established expats. ...
  • Commerzbank Girokonto Basic – Best bank account at a branch bank. ...
  • Santander BestGiro – Also a great bank account at a branch bank.
May 9, 2024

How much money do you need in your bank account to go to Germany? ›

How much money should be in Blocked Account in Germany? As of February 2024, the current Blocked Account amount required to apply for a German visa is 11 208 Euros. This amount is blocked on the student's bank account for a year, and the student has access to no more than 934 Euros per month.

How can a US citizen open a European bank account? ›

You'll usually need to provide:
  1. Proof of identity — like your passport.
  2. Proof of address.
  3. Business information for business customers.
  4. Tax residency details are often needed.

How do I send money to a German bank? ›

Search online for a Western Union location convenient for you. Take a government-issued ID or your phone number to the counter, plus your receiver's bank and account information. Pay for your transfer to Germany with cash or a US bank-issued debit card.

What do you need to open a bank account at German American bank? ›

Opening a New Account
  1. Government-issued Identification (i.e. driver's license)
  2. U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number.
  3. U.S. Citizenship or Resident Alien Status.
  4. Account information for accounts you would like to close at other banks and move to German American Bank.


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