Resource Management: Panel Integration (2024)


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Resource Management: Panel Integration (2)

Connect top-down resource planning in Resource Management with bottom-up project execution in Smartsheet.

Also available as part of:

  • Resource Management Path

About this course

The Resource Management panel for Smartsheet connects top-down resource planning in Resource Management with bottom-up project execution in Smartsheet. The integration enables you to link a Smartsheet project sheet with a Resource Management resource plan so that you can confidently staff projects and align big picture strategy with day-to-day project management. It allows you to compare your team’s tasks workload in the sheet against their allocated time and make updates directly from the panel. By being able to easily compare and contrast plans, you can understand the impact of changing project or resource schedules and keep things up-to-date. This course will guide you through the steps on how to use the Resource Management panel integration. For best performance during this course, please use Google Chrome. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:

    • Connect a project sheet to a project in Resource Management
    • See team member availabilities and allocations from Resource Management in Smartsheet
    • Create or update task assignments in Smartsheet while seeing real-time impact as adjustments are made

Total approximate course time with activities: 30 min


  • Panel Integration

  • Course Evaluation

  • Course PDU Information for PMI

About this course

The Resource Management panel for Smartsheet connects top-down resource planning in Resource Management with bottom-up project execution in Smartsheet. The integration enables you to link a Smartsheet project sheet with a Resource Management resource plan so that you can confidently staff projects and align big picture strategy with day-to-day project management. It allows you to compare your team’s tasks workload in the sheet against their allocated time and make updates directly from the panel. By being able to easily compare and contrast plans, you can understand the impact of changing project or resource schedules and keep things up-to-date. This course will guide you through the steps on how to use the Resource Management panel integration. For best performance during this course, please use Google Chrome. This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:

    • Connect a project sheet to a project in Resource Management
    • See team member availabilities and allocations from Resource Management in Smartsheet
    • Create or update task assignments in Smartsheet while seeing real-time impact as adjustments are made

Total approximate course time with activities: 30 min


  • Panel Integration

  • Course Evaluation

  • Course PDU Information for PMI

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Resource Management: Panel Integration (3)

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Resource Management: Panel Integration (2024)


What is Resource Management and why is it important to manage resources in a file system? ›

Resource management allows you to plan at any level – across the enterprise, portfolios, departments, and teams. Resources are essential to reach your goal, whether that be completing a task or a project or helping you analyze what is necessary to do so.

What is an effective Resource Management system? ›

Effective resource management requires an understanding of where your resources are spending their time, especially those that aren't being billed. To optimize resource allocation and utilization, it's important to make sure your people are delivering maximum value through billable work.

How does Resource Management in Smartsheet work? ›

Resource management involves the efficient organization and utilization of resources, focusing on both immediate and future needs. It includes identifying what people, tools, and materials are needed, scheduling them to avoid conflicts, and adjusting as needed.

Can you use Smartsheet as a CRM? ›

As a powerful project management and collaboration tool, Smartsheet can also be utilized as a CRM to streamline your sales process.

What are examples of resource management? ›

Examples of resource management would include scheduling, budgeting, and planning of any relevant projects.

What are the basics of resource management? ›

Resource management is a series of processes and techniques used to ensure you have all the necessary resources to complete a project or meet business objectives. It also focuses on making the most efficient use of those resources by eliminating waste for more profits and a high return on investment (ROI).

What is the goal of resource management? ›

Resource management is the process of planning, forecasting, scheduling, and optimizing the entire resource lifecycle for successful project delivery. Its main objective is to fulfill the project requirements and ensure the productive utilization of every resource across the organization.

What is the key of resource management? ›

Effective resource management involves planning, scheduling, and allocating your resources in such a way that maximizes efficiency. For this, project managers need visibility into key performance metrics and all details about the available resources.

What is resource management skills? ›

This involves planning, scheduling, and allocating resources to the project, so that the right resources are available at the right time for the right work. Efficiency is the goal that underpins resource management - you want to achieve the greatest value for your projects.

How do I add resource allocation in Smartsheet? ›

Click the Menu icon (upper-left corner of the Smartsheet window) > Home. Right-click the Resource Views command, and click Create New View. Select the sheets or resources for which you want to see allocation and click OK.

What is Smartsheet legacy Resource Management? ›

With Legacy Resource Management, you can track and review how people are allocated across all of the projects they are working on to adjust and make better decisions about workloads.

Does Smartsheet have a project management tool? ›

Regardless of the size or complexity of your project, Smartsheet provides a real-time view of tasks across entire projects. That's why companies around the world rely on Smartsheet as their project management tool.


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 6369

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.