Technology and Passwords (2025)

At Atrium Health, we know that an essential part of attracting, attaining and maintaining a high-quality, highly-engaged workforce, is our ability to provide resources that empower our teammates to do their best work each day. Our Information & Analytics Services department takes the lead when it comes to technology and information resources.

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • General Guidelines
  • Network Password Help Tool

General Guidelines

  • All Atrium Healthteammates must agree to and comply with the Acceptable Use Policy found on PeopleConnect.
  • You will need a username and password to access most programs at Atrium Health. Please ask your leader for this information.
  • Typically, you will be required to change your passwords every 365 days to comply with HIPAA policies.
    • You should never share your password with anyone; not even Information & Analytics Services teammates.
  • Computers should “lock” after 15 minutes of inactivity, to protect sensitive information from being viewed.
    • If you need to use a shared computer that has been locked, you will need to turn it off and back on again, and then log in with your own username/password.
  • Most Atrium Healthhardware devices should have an Asset Tag on it for tracking purposes.

Technology and Passwords (1)

  • If you have a technical issue regarding something that was once working, however is not working anymore, it should be reported to theAtrium HealthService Center at 704-446-6161.
  • For any request for something to be installed, moved, added or changed that you did not have previously, an Online Service Request (OSR) needs to be submitted.
    • To access the Online Service Catelog:
      • Open Microsoft Edge Browser (PeopleConnect)
      • Select “Tools” from the top menu bar
      • Select “Service Center Online”
      • Select “Order Things”

Network Password Help Tool

Team members utilize their Atrium Health Network ID username and password to log onto the computer and to access applications including: CORE Connect, Office365, Microsoft Outlook, WebApps, the Internet, Kronos, ShiftSelect, Vista Plus, and various other online applications.

The Network Password Help Tool will allow you to reset your own network password at any time if it is invalid, or expired, or if the account has been locked out.

Your network password must be changed BEFORE logging in to any of the above applications.

  • To access the tool, go to the PeopleConnect homepage and select Network Password Help in the ‘Take me to’ drop-down box.
  • From this page, you can change your current network password, reset your password using security questions, or unlock your account.
  • Select Change Network Password if you know your current password or have been prompted to change it
  • Select Reset Password if you have forgotten your password and would like to reset it.
  • Select Unlock Account if you have been locked out of your account and would like to unlock it.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s natural to have questions; we all do. That’s why, to help keep you informed and engaged, we have provided the answers to many of the questions we hear most frequently about technology and information services topics.

1.How do I obtain my username and password to log onto the computer?
Your leader will be sent your username and password information via a secure email message. If you are unable to obtain this information from your leader, call the Service Center at 704-446-6161. When you call the Service Center, the Support Analyst will ask you for your Employee ID #, so please have that information available.

2. I was given a username and password by my leader; but it is not allowing me to log in. What do I do?
The password you are provided is a temporary password that must be changed before it can be used. To change the password, log onto the computer with your username and password and it will prompt you to change it. If the computer is already logged on, you can open the PeopleConnect homepage and select the Network Password Help link in the ‘Take me to’ drop-down box.

3. What username and password do I use to log on to complete my Annual Continuing Education (ACE) Modules?
Your network username and password should be used to log onto ACE modules. Keep in mind that this password must be changed before it will allow you to log on.

4. What are the criteria for changing my network password?
Your new password has to be at least twelve characters long, cannot be the same as your previous four passwords used, and include at least 3 of 4 of the following elements:

  • 1 numeric character
  • 1 lower case character
  • 1 upper case character
  • 1 Special Character: ! @_#$%^&)

In addition, the following restrictions will apply:

  • Password cannot contain the user ID
  • Password cannot contain spaces
  • Password cannot contain consecutive characters

5. My computer is not working properly and/or I have a question about the software I am using.
Call the Service Center (704-446-6161) and a Support Analyst will troubleshoot your problem and try to answer any of your questions. If the analyst is unable to fix your problem or answer your question, a technician will come on-site to assist, or a representative from a different team will give you a call back with more information. Please have the asset number of your computer handy when calling the Service Center to report any problems.

6. How do I know whether to contact the Service Center or to submit a Catalog Order/Online Service Request (OSR)?
Contact the Service Center if you have a question about how something works, or if something is broken or not working correctly. Complete a Catalog Order or OSR if something needs to be installed, moved, added or changed. An Online Request must also be submitted if access is being requested to a software system. Check with your leader to determine your work area’s policy on submitting an OSR.

7. How do I check the status of an existing Service Center Incident or OSR?
Open the PeopleConnect homepage and select the “Service Center – Technology & Analytics” link from the bottom of the page. From there, select the “Check Status” link on the top menu bar.

8. How do I access my email?
You can access your email via the Office365 homepage or via Outlook. Office365 can be found under the “Take me to…” drop down box on the PeopleConnect homepage. To login to Office365, please use your email address provided by your leader along with your standard network password. Outlook can also be found locally installed on some PCs, or via your WebApps menu on any PC.

9. How can I access Atrium Health resources remotely?
Atrium Heatlh Connect, the employee external site, can be found at Please follow the steps in the “Remote Access Help” link on Atrium Health Connect to set up your account and PC for remote access. After this setup is complete you can log in Atrium Health applications including CORE Connect, Office365, and MS Teams.

10. What if my badge is not allowing access to my area/building and/or for the cafeteria?
It can take up to 48 hours for your badge to allow access to your area/building. It can take up to two weeks for your badge to work for purchases in the cafeteria. If your badge is not working, please contact the Access Control Division at 704-355-6035 or 704-355-7455.

11. How do I send a numeric page to someone carrying a four-digit hospital pager?
Dial 704-355-4088 and then enter the four-digit hospital pager number. Then, enter the callback phone number and press the “#” key.

12. Can I report a technical issue to the Service Center online?
Yes. Open the PeopleConnect homepage and select the “Service Center – Information & Analytics” link from the bottom of the page. From there, select the “Technical Support” link and choose the option that best describes your support needs.

13. How can I update my personal information in Outlook?
Open the PeopleConnect homepage and select the ‘Update Personal Info’ link in the ‘Take me to’ drop-down box. Once in the tool, you can update your facility or phone numbers. Then, Sign and Submit.

14. How can I update my personal information in CORE Connect?
Open the PeopleConnect homepage and select the CORE Connect link on the ‘Take me to’ drop-down box. Log in with your network username and password. Once logged in, select Personal Details from column on left. From there, select the Edit icon (picture of pencil) to update as needed.

Technology and Passwords (2025)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.