The Top 20 Business English Words for Finance Topics You Must Know (2024)

The Top 20 Business English Words for Finance Topics You Must Know (1)

By kitlum Last updated:

News of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union surprised the whole world.

Financial news sources can’t stop talking about how this will affect the global economy.

“Stocks Tumble After Brexit Decision, Marking Largest Loss Since August”

“Brexit Vote Sends Shock Waves Through Global Financial Markets”

Even though the news came out a while ago, it shows how important it is for anyone in business to know financial vocabulary.


  • 3 Quick Tips for Increasing Your Financial Vocabulary
    • 1. Make the Business Section Your Friend
    • 2. Sit Down with aGood Finance Book
    • 3. Note the Use of Financial Language at Work
  • The Top 20 Business English Words for Finance Topics You Must Know
    • 1. Interest Rate
    • 2. Investment
    • 3. External capital
    • 4. Cash outflow
    • 5. Revenue
    • 6. Profit
    • 7. Loss
    • 8. Recession
    • 9. Debt
    • 10. Collateral
    • 11. Mortgage
    • 12. Short-term loan
    • 13. Long-term loan
    • 14. Credit rating
    • 15. Overdraft
    • 17. Stocks
    • 18. Rally
    • 19. Bull market
    • 20. Bear market

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3 Quick Tips for Increasing Your Financial Vocabulary

1. Make the Business Section Your Friend

Most major news websites have a Business Section featuring business news stories. This is the best place to keep up with the latest financial news, both local and international, and improve your financial vocabulary and language usage at the same time.

2. Sit Down with aGood Finance Book

Get your hands on a good finance book.

Forbes‘ top 10 personal finance booksis a great place to start finding one that works for you. This listincludes many popular titles, like:

The best part is that many of these are written for people who don’t know about finance, so they’re quite fun and easy to read—and they explain finance terms clearly.

3. Note the Use of Financial Language at Work

Be sure to note down any new financial language you encounter while you’re at work.

Set yourself the goal to learn five new words a day from this list, and you’ll be on your way to improving your financial vocabulary very quickly.

This real-world, in-context way of learning is very effective. It’s the principle behind FluentU—a language learning program that bases its English lessons on authentic video content, including clips from news reports and finance-oriented material. Each video comes with interactive subtitles—just click or tap a word in the subtitles for an instant definition, grammar info and useful examples. There are also flashcards and quizzes built into every video to ensure that you remember all the words you’ve learned.

The videos are conveniently organized by genre and difficulty. Just click “Business” and select your English level to find perfect relevant videos. FluentU will also keep track of what you’ve learned and suggest new videos based on that information.

The Top 20 Business English Words for Finance Topics You Must Know

To start you off, let me list 20 financial words that you’ll find useful. While these words often have other meanings not related to finance, I’ll only be discussing them in the financial context here.

1. Interest Rate

Interestis the amount the bank (or other moneylender, which is any person or organization that gives you money) will charge you or your company for the money you borrow from them. That amount, or interest rate,is expressed as a percentage of the loan.

As part of the loan repayment, you’ll have to repay the amount of the loan plus interest.

I would advise you to shop around for the best interest rate you can find before taking up that loan.

2. Investment

The noun investmentrefers to money that you put into your business, property, stock, etc., in order to make a profit or earn interest.

A great Reuters articlesaid that “investment is drawn [attracted] to the UK because it provides a gateway [place of entry entry] to a single market of 500 million consumers.”

The word investmentcan also be used as an adjective. An investment destination refers to the location that businesses choose to place their investments in.

The article above also names the UK as the top investment destination within Europe.

3. External capital

The word externalmeans outside. Capitalrefers to your money or assets.So,external capital refers tothe money that a company receives from outside sources.

The use of external capital can help your company recover from the recent drop in sales performance.

4. Cash outflow

Cash outflow refers to the money that your company spends on its expenses and other business activities.

The key to surviving in business is to keep an eye on cash outflows and manage them well.

5. Revenue

Your revenueis the amount of money your company makes from the sale of goods and services.

The total sales revenue from our latest range of sports shoes is expected to top $1.5 million this year.

6. Profit

Profitdescribes the amount of revenue your company gains after excluding expenses, costs, taxes, etc. The goal of every business is to make profit.

Since we started advertising on the internet, our company’s profits have increased by 20% over the last year

7. Loss

In finance, we often hear the phrase profit and loss. Lossis when you lose money. It’s the opposite of profit,and it’s a word that no one in finance ever wants to hear. Still, it’s something that can happen when a company makes less money than it spends.

Since we decided to stop print advertising, our sales revenue has suffered a loss of 20% over the last year

8. Recession

When we talk about a recession, we’re referring to a period of significant (major) decline in a country’s economy that usually lasts months or years.

Bloomberg reports that the risk of a global recession is now more than 50 percent after the UKvoted to leave the European Union.

9. Debt

Debtrefers to any kind of borrowing such as loans, mortgages, etc. Debts are a way for you or your company to borrow money (usually for large purchases) and repay it at a later date with interest.

I think we should consider other options to fix our business rather than running into more debt.

10. Collateral

Collateralis something valuable, such as a property you own, that you pledge (temporarilygive to) a bank, financial company or other moneylender as a guarantee of your loan repayment.

The moneylenderwill hold your collateraluntil your loan is completely paid in full. If you fail to make your loan payments, the bank will seize (take away) your property to recover their losses. This way, there’s no risk that they’ll lose the money they gave you.

If Mr. Jones intends to use his farm as collateral for his business loan, he will have to show proof of ownership to the bank.

11. Mortgage

A mortgageis a loan in which your property—most commonly your house—will be held by a bank or other moneylender as collateral. You’ll receive a loan for the value of the property. This means the moneylender will hold your property until your loan has been fully repaid.

It has been hard for the Quinns to keep up their mortgage payments since Mr Quinn lost his job.

12. Short-term loan

As a business or individual, you can borrow money from the bank for short periods of time. A short-term loan is usually repaid in less than five years.

BHS, a large retail chain, wascharged a high interest rate for the short-term loan they took out in order to stay in business.

13. Long-term loan

Sometimes businesses need to buy assets, equipment, inventory and other things. Banks offer long-term loans for businesses that need to borrow a large amount of money for a longer period of time.

Long-term loans are generally repaid over a period of time that exceeds five years.

At the meeting, it was decided that the company would opt for (choose) a long-term loan that offers a lower interest rate.

14. Credit rating

The credit ratingof a person or company is either a formal evaluation or an estimate of their credit history, and it indicates their potential ability to repay any newloans.

Banks and financial companies will usually check your credit rating before approving your loan.

We’re confident that our company’s loan application will be approved as we have a good credit rating.

15. Overdraft

Anoverdraftis when you spend more money than you have in your bank account. The bank will often make you pay anoverdraft feeif you do this.

If you have an overdraftaccount, thissimply means that your bank will allow you to continue withdrawing (taking out) money from you account, even when you don’t have available funds (enough money)in your account to cover your withdrawal amount.

There will still be some limits on how much you can overdraft,but having this special type of bank account means you don’t have to worry as much about thoseoverdraft fees.

In a BBC news article, it was suggested that banks should warn customers before they go into overdraft and limit the overdraft fees that they charge.


Some companies divide their capital into sharesand offer them for sale to createmore capital for the company.

If you own sharesin a company, you’re known as a shareholder. Each shareyou hold represents a unit of your ownership of the company.

Owning shares in a company doesn’t mean you have control over the day-to-day running of the business, but it does entitle (allow) you to receive ashare of its profits.

Recent financial news say that Japanese shares are higher as investors regain their confidence across the region.

17. Stocks

The word stocksis a general term used to describe the ownership certificates of any company. The holder of a company’s stocks is a stockholder. As a stockholder, you’re entitled to a share of the company’s profit based on the number of stocksyou hold.

Have you read the news that stocks are plunging all around the world shortly after the UKvoted to leave the European Union?

18. Rally

As you know, stock markets go up and down.A stock marketrally is when a large amount of money is entering the market and pushing stock prices up.

So, arallyis good news forinvestors, because it means that the market is recovering after being down.

Even though he doesn’t have money, it’s hard for him watch the stock market rally from afar without doing anything.

19. Bull market

Stop for a moment and picture a bull charging at anenemy—or even at you! Aggressive, right? Its horns are facing upwards, and they’re coming at you fast.

A bull marketis a financial market situation where stock prices are up (just like the bull’s horns) as a result of investor confidence and the expectations of a strong market.

John’s job on Wall Street is even more hectic (busy) now that the bull market is in full swing.

20. Bear market

Now picture a bear as it tries to swipe (swing) its paws at its enemy, or you. It’s probably standing up and its paws are above you, moving downwards.

A bear marketis the opposite of a bull market. In a bear market,stock prices are falling and the financial market is down—the bear’s paws are facing downwards, and coming down on its enemies.

While John’s friends are worried about a possible bear market, John is confident that the market will hold steady (remain good).

Well, it looks like we’re at the end of our list.

There’s lots of financial vocabulary out there that you can learn from financial news, articles and books.

Keep adding to this list as you go along.

Good luck!

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The Top 20 Business English Words for Finance Topics You Must Know (2024)


The Top 20 Business English Words for Finance Topics You Must Know? ›

Basic Financial Terms - Key takeaways

The basic financial terms include revenue, costs, profits and loss, the average rate of return, and break-even. Revenue is the total sales of a business's products or services, calculated by multiplying the price per unit by the number of units sold.

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Basic Financial Terms - Key takeaways

The basic financial terms include revenue, costs, profits and loss, the average rate of return, and break-even. Revenue is the total sales of a business's products or services, calculated by multiplying the price per unit by the number of units sold.

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19 business words to know
  • Asset. An asset is anything of value that a company possesses. ...
  • Board of directors. The board of directors is a group of individuals who set the policies that govern a company. ...
  • Branding. ...
  • Liability. ...
  • Logistics. ...
  • Objective. ...
  • Opportunity cost. ...
  • Outsourcing.
Mar 10, 2023

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Business Finance means the funds and credit employed in the business. Finance is the foundation of a business. Finance requirements are to purchase assets, goods, raw materials and for the other flow of economic activities.

What is business English vocabulary? ›

Business vocabulary refers to the words and phrases used in the business world. This can include terms used in accounting, marketing, finance, and other business-related fields. Definition: Business Vocabulary is a term used to describe the terminology used in the business world.

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To be truly wealthy, you've got to find a way to convert those figures into experiences and memories. A smart way of doing this is to split your life into five categories: Family, freedom, fitness, fun and fortune. These are known as the Five Fs.

What is the 7 10 rule in finance? ›

The 7/10 rule in investing is a straightforward method to calculate the fair value of a company's stock. The rule states that a company's stock price should either be seven times its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) or 10 times its operating earnings per share.

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Business keywords are the bridges that connect qualified prospects to your website. Here's a high-level overview of how to choose the best terms and phrases that your potential customers will most likely search online.

How do I improve my business English? ›

Getting feedback and practicing regularly is crucial for improving your business English skills. Seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors, attending language classes or workshops, and practicing regularly with a language exchange partner or tutor can all help you improve your language abilities.

What is finance simple words? ›

Finance is defined as the management of money and includes activities such as investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting. There are three main types of finance: (1) personal, (2) corporate, and (3) public/government. This guide will unpack the question: what is finance?

What are the elements of business finance? ›

Business finance include financial planning, financial management, investment analysis, risk management, financial reporting and analysis, and capital budgeting.

What is short term in business finance? ›

Short-term financing is the use of credit that is repaid in one year or less. Credit is often used because it is more convenient than keeping cash on hand for payments or because cash flows can be uneven at different points in time.

How to understand Business English? ›

Tips for learning business English more quickly
  1. Read English language newspapers and business websites. ...
  2. Watch English language TV shows and movies. ...
  3. Watch English language business and financial news. ...
  4. Set targets. ...
  5. Review before bedtime. ...
  6. Learn aloud. ...
  7. Put yourself in 'real life' English situations.

What is a popular word for business? ›

Some common synonyms of business are calling, employment, métier, occupation, pursuit, and work. While all these words mean "a specific sustained activity engaged in especially in earning one's living," business suggests activity in commerce or the management of money and affairs. the business of managing a hotel.

How to teach Business English vocabulary? ›

A straightforward way of presenting business vocabulary is to get the learner to listen to an oral presentation or conversation in which the target item (e.g., "brochure") is embedded. The teacher gets the class to come to terms with the topic of the conversation / presentation: how much of it do they know already?

What are the 5 basic financial statements explain briefly? ›

They are: (1) balance sheets; (2) income statements; (3) cash flow statements; and (4) statements of shareholders' equity. Balance sheets show what a company owns and what it owes at a fixed point in time. Income statements show how much money a company made and spent over a period of time.

What are the five financial concepts? ›

Financial literacy involves concepts like budgeting, building and improving credit, saving, borrowing and repaying debt, and investing.

What is the rule of 5 financial? ›

As an investor you will find many products and many options to invest in. The 5% rule says as an investor, you should not invest more than 5% of your total portfolio in any one option alone. This simple technique will ensure you have a balanced portfolio.


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